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Looking at the New Model of Regional Industry-Education Integration Development from the Establishment of "Dawn Order Class"
Release Date:2024-06-04
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"Let's welcome Dean Wang Zuopeng and Chairman Yu Xiaoning to unveil the 'Longkou Regional Industry-Education Consortium Mold Industry College'!" On the afternoon of May 29th, during the opening ceremony of the "Dawn Order Class" of the Yantai Engineering and Technology College held in the academic lecture hall of the Dawn College student apartments, this innovative school-enterprise cooperation model was launched. It is expected to promote resource co-construction and sharing, enhance the quality of talent cultivation, and drive high-quality industrial development.


Wang Zuopeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Yantai Engineering and Technology College; Ning Shenglong, Vice Chairman of the Longkou Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Longkou Municipal Vocational Education Society; Wang Jinguang, Deputy Minister of the Longkou Municipal Organization Department and Director of the Longkou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; and Yu Xiaoning, Chairman and President of Dawn Group and Dean of Dawn Business School, attended and spoke at the ceremony. The event was also attended by leaders, faculty, students, and employee representatives from Yantai Engineering and Technology College, the Longkou Education and Sports Bureau, the Longkou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Dawn Group.

Liu Lili, Vice President of Dawn Group and Deputy Dean of Dawn Business School, who presided over the ceremony, believes that the establishment of the "Dawn Order Class" in collaboration with Yantai Engineering and Technology College will promote industry-education integration, comprehensively enhance the overall quality of industrial workers, and reserve and cultivate excellent grassroots blue-collar talent. "In the future, the school, enterprises, and students will strengthen joint collaboration, enabling the school to understand social needs early, allowing students to enter enterprises early, and helping enterprises to cultivate talent early."

The Regional Industry-Education Consortium is a collaborative platform within the region involving government departments, industrial parks, industry enterprises, and vocational schools to promote the development of vocational education. Vice Chairman Ning Shenglong stated that the Longkou city attached great importance to vocational education and industry-education integration. The launch of the "Dawn Order Class" is a result of this deepened integration. "I hope students will diligently learn professional knowledge and skills, continuously improve their professional ethics, and lay a solid foundation for realizing their personal values and dreams. I believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, we will write a new chapter in the construction of the Regional Industry-Education Consortium."

Now, Longkou is at a critical stage of innovative development, sustainable development, and leading development. In this new era of promoting high-quality development, the need for talent is greater than ever. Director Wang Jinguang expressed his hope that the cooperation between Dawn Group and Yantai Engineering and Technology College would become a model of regional industry-education integration. "We appreciate the platform built by the college and Dawn. We must promote the spirit of craftsmanship, closely integrate the knowledge we have learned with practical application, and contribute to the development of high-end manufacturing," said Cui Huairui, a student representative from the "Dawn Order Class."

Back in 2022, Dawn Group and Yantai Engineering and Technology College signed a strategic school-enterprise cooperation agreement. Dean Wang Zuopeng said that in the two years since they established the off-campus internship and training base, they had carried out pragmatic cooperation in professional construction, order class training, technology development, equipment training, etc., and had always been committed to two-way empowerment between schools and enterprises. The output of student internship and training results is relatively high. "The launch of this order class marks a new beginning for the strong alliance and joint development of the school and the enterprise, which will further promote the vigorous development of the Longkou Regional Industry-Education Consortium," said Wang Zuopeng.


The "Industry College" is an upgraded version of the training base and a new engine for building the Regional Industry-Education Consortium. According to Chairman Yu Xiaoning, the "Industry College" should become a talent training center, marketing center, and research center for partner enterprises, as well as an industrial research base, student practice and internship base, and university student entrepreneurship base for partner schools. He encouraged the students to promote the Red Boat Spirit, the Yan'an Spirit, the craftsmanship spirit, and the spirit of sacrifice, in the context of enterprise development, industrial layout, technological innovation, and patriotism. "Only by possessing the abilities to 'know, find, and do' can one realize personal value, promote enterprise development, and serve the country and society," he said.
