Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Dawn Strategically Joined Hands with Towngas Energy to Fully Promote the Construction of Zero-carbon Smart Park
Release Date:2024-05-31
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On May 28th, Dawn Group and Towngas Smart Energy Co., Ltd.(Towngas Energy), a member of the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, signed the Green Energy Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement in Hong Kong, which marked that they would establish a long-term cooperation mechanism and jointly embark on a new journey of win-win cooperation.



Li Wanping, the Secretary of Longkou Municipal Party Committee, Xu Xin, Vice President of the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Liu Dazhi, General Manager of Longkou Towngas, Chen Zilong, General Manager of Beijing Towngas, He Jigang, Executive Vice President of Longkou Towngas and other leaders and guests attended and witnessed the signing ceremony. Yu Zhengyu, President Assistant of Dawn Group and Lu Jiujiu, Senior Vice President of Towngas Energy signed the agreement on behalf of both companies.


Towngas Energy is a public utility company operated by the Hong Kong and China Gas in the Mainland, mainly engages in gas business investment, development and operation management. Since its establishment in 2002,  Longkou Towngas has provided high-quality and efficient services for urban construction and people's livelihood security. Dawn Group and Longkou Towngas have a cooperation foundation of more than 10 years. In the future, they will deepen cooperation in the fields of developing renewable energy businesses such as developing photovoltaics, building zero-carbon smart parks, and promoting smart energy management.

"For many years, Longkou Towngas has provided safe and stable energy guarantees for the high-quality development of enterprises." President Assistant Yu Zhengyu said that Dawn Group is currently building a world-class green, low-carbon, high-end new material manufacturing base. "We will take this signing as an opportunity to continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Towngas Energy, continuously expand the scope of cooperation, improve the level of cooperation, and strive to create new momentum and new engines to promote the economic and social development of Longkou."

Senior Vice President Lu Jiujiu said that Hong Kong Energy would give full play to its technical, financial and operational advantages in the field of green energy, closely focus on renewable energy, new energy, carbon asset management and other fields, continue to expand the breadth and depth of cooperation with Longkou, and work together to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. At the same time, it will provide safe, efficient and high-quality green energy and services to the companies under Dawn Group, and promote the better extension, supplementation and strengthening of the energy industrial chains of enterprises.

Secretary Li Wanping pointed out that the green energy industry was a strategic focus for current and future development. This two powerful alliances, Dawn Group and Towngas Energy, are both leaders and benchmarks in their respective industries. He hopes that they will give full play to their advantages, continue to deepen their cooperation in zero-carbon park construction, green energy development, and actively promote more substantial cooperation results, adding strong impetus to the innovative development of Longkou's green energy industry.


During the stay in Hong Kong, Secretary Li Wanping visited the Customer Center, Dispatch Center, Hotline Center, and Gas Innovation Hall of the Hong Kong and China Gas. He fully affirmed the important contribution that Towngas made to the economic and social development of Longkou and expressed his expectation for future cooperation. President Assistant Yu Zhengyu accompanied him on the trip.

Earlier on the afternoon of May 27th, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Hong Kong, Macao and Shandong Week and the Shandong-Hong Kong Cooperation Exchange Conference were held in Hong Kong. Shandong Province made a special presentation on "Joining hands to cultivate new quality productivity and jointly create a bright future of green, low-carbon and high-quality development". Among the key cooperation projects signed during the event, there are digital economy, energy transformation, intelligent manufacturing, modern agriculture, cultural tourism and other fields.