Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Moisturizing the Childrens’ Hearts, and Nurturing Their Growth! Dawn sent "Children's Day" Blessings to 400 Children
Release Date:2024-06-04
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On May 31st, on the eve of the 74th International Children's Day, 400 children from Beizaoqian Village Kindergarten, Xinglongzhuang Kindergarten, and Sunjia Primary School in Longkou Longgang Street received holiday gifts from Dawn Group—a customized children's water bottle. On this special day, they were pleasantly surprised and delighted by the gift.

Moisturizing the childrens hearts, and nurturing their growth. The children's water bottles carefully customized by Dawn Group, with cute shapes and adorable designs, added a touch of fun to the holiday for the exclusive enjoyment of the children, and also conveyed care and love for the next generation. "We hope our blessings can turn into sunshine and rain, nourishing the seedlings and helping the children grow strong." The children who received the gifts had happy and joyful smiles on their innocent faces.





On the same day, colorful banners fluttered in Dawn Lakeside Park, echoing with children's laughter and voices. Teachers and students from Longkou City's Second Kindergarten gathered here to celebrate the Children's Day. In the park, flea markets, parent-child interactions, and picnic sharing activities were organized, with the innocent smiles of the children blending harmoniously with the scenery of the park, creating a festive atmosphere. "Over the years, we have witnessed the ecological environment around Dawn Lakeside Park getting better and better. We are very grateful to Dawn for providing such a wonderful venue for the children, allowing them to be close to nature and let their innocence fly freely," exclaimed the kindergarten principal, Yu Xiaoyan, with heartfelt admiration.


Children are the future of the country and the hope of the Chinese nation. Over the years, Dawn Group has consistently adhered to its mission of "developing the enterprise, making the employee happy, and giving back to society," dedicating itself to public welfare activities such as respecting teachers, supporting education, and caring for the next generation. Every Children's Day, Teacher's Day, and other occasions, responsible leaders from Dawn Group visit nearby schools and kindergartens to offer care and love, contributing to the development of the education cause.

In addition, Dawn Group establishes special scholarships at various universities and Longkou No.1 Middle School. Every August, Dawn Group organizes student development training activities, invites students from surrounding villages who are admitted to universities or colleges and children of Dawn Group employees to participate. During these activities, scholarships are awarded to encourage students to change their destinies with knowledge, take practical actions to shoulder corporate social responsibility, contribute to the cause of education, show love and care for young people, and sow the seeds of hope for a better future.