Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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"You Rushed to Help Henan Province, and Dawn Showed Its Caring to You!"
Release Date:2021-09-27
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On September 5th, Longkou City held a symposium to visit volunteers in the disaster-stricken area of Henan Province in the administrative center. The Yantai city leaders, including Lv Bo, Zhao Shujie, Gao Jingyu, and leaders of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Henan Chamber of Commerce in Longkou City, Longkou Jiaolong Charity Emergency Rescue Team, and Longkou Charity Volunteer Team attended the meeting. On behalf of Dawn Group, Yu Xiaoning, chairman and president, donated CNY 200,000 to express caring for the two volunteer teams and support voluntary services and public welfare undertakings with practical actions.


Longkou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Lv Bo pointed out that Henan Province suffered severe rains and floods in July, which affected the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. When trouble occurs at one spot, help comes from all quarters. Volunteers represented by the Longkou Jiaolong Charity Emergency Rescue Team and Longkou Charity Volunteer Team moved in retrograde after hearing the flood news, and rushed to the front line of the disaster-stricken area in Henan with Longkous Caring and Love”. They made full use of their professional advantages to assist in the transfer of the masses, rescued the malfunctioning assault boats and carried out mass demand surveys, material distribution and epidemic areas disinfection, which fully demonstrated the spirit of "No Fear of Danger, No Hesitation, Devotion and Dedication".

According to reports, the Longkou Jiaolong Charity Emergency Rescue Team is a supplement power to the public security, fire protection, emergency rescue, maritime police, and maritime affairs departments. The organization aims to build an outstanding domestic non-governmental public charity welfare emergency rescue team, and it has carried out in-depth water rescue, mountain rescue and lost rescue more than 60 times. Since the establishment, the Longkou Charity Volunteer Team has carried out more than 3,000 series of voluntary service activities such as helping the elder, the poor and the disabled, directing the traffic, helping the students realizing their dreams and creating civilization with the purpose of "determining the project content based on social needs".



"I heard that Dawn donated CNY 100,000 in 2020 and CNY 200,000 to the Longkou Jiaolong Charity Emergency Rescue in 2021. Dawn has set a good example”. Secretary Lv Bo applauded this. "You rushed to help Henan Province, and Dawn showed its caring to you!" Chairman Yu Xiaoning Said. The team members integrate the volunteer spirit into their blood and soul, and they are the outstanding representatives and typical epitome of the volunteer service team in Longkou. I praised for their devotion and dedication.

As a leader of Longkou's original private enterprises, Dawn has insisted on "developing the enterprises and making the employees happy" and been committed to “repaying back to the society" meanwhile for many years. Active actions have been taken in social welfare undertakings such as improving the environment, donating funds to schools, alleviating the poor, and revitalizing the rural areas with a total donation of more than CNY 50 million. "I hope that more caring companies and caring people will join in the public welfare undertakings, gather positive energy and demonstrate new deeds." Chairman Yu Xiaoning said.