Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Salute! Empower! Dawn People "Carry on the Glory of the Spirits, and Strive for Wisdom and Innovation"
Release Date:2024-07-01
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On June 28th, when stepping into the Longkou New Materials Science and Technology Industrial Park, colorful flags flying in a festive atmosphere. That evening, Dawn employees gathered at Dawn Bridge to grandly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 33rd anniversary of Dawn Group with a themed cultural performance.

Yu Xiaoning, Chairman and President of Dawn Group, attended the event and delivered a speech. Members of the board of directors, members of the leadership team, functional department heads and above, managers and above of operating units, members of the young cadre training program, retired cadres and other specially invited persons attended the event.

As July 1st approaches, the theme torch sculpture standing on the south side of Dawn Bridge aligns with this theme, symbolizing the passing of the red spirit from generation to generation. It aimed to inspire the diligent people of Dawn to carry the "fire" of spirit, hold high the "torch" of progress, and build the centennial dream of Dawn.

Dreams intertwine, converging into a torch of spirit; ideals are inherited, illuminating the path forward. As a major highlight of the event, the theme sculpture attracted significant attention. Cadres and employees of Dawn Group eagerly took photos in front of it, capturing the moment. Passersby also stopped to take pictures, sharing in the joy of the celebration. On the south side of "The Ode to Dawn," a photography exhibition themed "Two Ecosystems Coexist in One Picture" showcased the highlights of the park's development, drawing the attention of citizens.

At 7 PM, the cultural performance officially kicked off with the opening dance "Harmonious Prosperity." Dawn employees, utilizing their spare time, created, directed, and performed a variety of wonderful programs. They stepped from their posts onto the stage, sharing the joy of their achievements with their passionate and youthful colleagues. They shined brightly on the stage, fully interpreting the spiritual connotation of Dawn people's dedication to their work and showing the inheritance of the Dawn spirit of "unity, hard work and pursuit of excellence".








Listen to the Party, appreciate the Party, and always follow the Party. "Our achievements are due to the growing strength of the Party and the country, the favorable environment for the development of the private economy in Longkou, and the strong support from all sectors of society," said Chairman Yu Xiaoning in his speech. He expressed that in the future, the company would continue to transform its four major advantages—research, industry, parks, and talent—into core competitiveness for high-quality development, striving to build a "trillion-level enterprise and a trillion-level industrial park."


The evening breeze by the lake whispered of camaraderie, and the dazzling fireworks lit up the night sky, igniting passion and illuminating the beautiful wishes of every Dawn employees. In this interwoven space of light and shadow, the audience raised their phones to capture these touching moments, expressing infinite hope for dreams and the future.