Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Outstanding Contribution to Tax Revenue! Contribution to Project Investment! Dawn Sets Target and Gears Up for a New Start
Release Date:2024-02-28
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“Roll up your sleeves and work hard!” At the high-quality development mobilization conference held on February 26th in Longkou City, Dawn Group's Chairman and CEO, Yu Xiaoning, delivered an impassioned , sonorous and inspiring speech. He said, "We will take a sprinting attitude from the very beginning, use our energy to push forward, draw a "busy spring plan" in full swing, and run out of the "acceleration" of project construction."

At the morning session, the conference announced and commended the comprehensive performance assessment results of the high-quality development of Longkou city in 2023. Dawn Group was honored with titles such as 'Outstanding Contributor to Tax Revenue' and 'Contributing Enterprise to Project Investment,' highlighting the company's continuous enhancement of comprehensive strength and its increasingly prominent role in high-quality development.


Over the years, Dawn Group has continuously deepened its industrial chain, product chain, and enterprise chain, and developed four major advantages in research, industry, parks, and talent by using a 'chain thinking' approach to build characteristic industrial clusters. It has developed into a modern enterprise group focused on the research, development, production, sales, and application of new materials, integrating science, industry, trade, logistics, and finance. It has climbed higher on various lists of powerful companies year after year.

In the past year of 2023, Dawn achieved new milestones in its business performance and made significant progress in project construction. Notably, during the high-quality development project observation activities in Yantai and Longkou, Dawn's New Material Science and Technology Industrial Park project and New Material Expansion project won top honors. As a model of Dawn's approach of 'attracting investment through industrial parks, industries, and funds,' the manufacturing capabilities and product performance of the Dongpeng Automatic Control Instruments project were highly praised by leaders at all levels.

 "Looking back on the road ahead, we have moved forward bravely, made new achievements, and became more confident and more motivated." Li Wanping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out that in the new year, "we will set sail on a new journey. We have promising prospects and greater confidence. We must take advantage of the momentum and reach new heights." "We will gather the strength and start again. Our task is arduous and our mission is glorious. We should wait for no time and forge ahead." We will keep up the energy, seize the day, continue to work pragmatically, and work hard to write a new chapter in Longkou with Chinese-style modernization.


"We will anchor our strategic goals, tap into our research advantages, strengthen our industrial capabilities, leverage our talent and park advantages, and consolidate new momentum for high-quality development," said Chairman Yu Xiaoning. "In the future, we will do a good job in attracting investment, accelerate the stringing of beads into chains, gather chains into groups, and accumulate energy to build an industrial park with "ten thousand people and hundreds of billions sales revenue", and contribute more Dawn power to create a "national pioneer, northern model, and Shandong leader" for high-quality development in the county level.