Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Practicing the "Carbon Neutrality & Emission Peak" Goal! Dawn became the China Plastics Green Industry Chain Excellent Unit
Release Date:2021-11-15
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On November 3rd, the 3-days 2021 China Sustainable Plastics Exhibition was grandly opened in Nanjing International Expo Center. Qiu Huanling, vice president of Dawn Group, visited the exhibition to guide works. At the 8th Representative Member Conference of China Plastics Processing Industry Association held the day before, Dawn Group was elected as the standing director unit and was awarded "2021 China Plastics Green Industry Chain Excellent Unit". Yu Xiaoning, Chairman and President of Dawn Group, was elected as the vice chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association and Tian Hongchi, General Manager of Dawn Polymer, was appointed as "Expert of China Plastics Association Expert Committee", which fully demonstrated Dawn Group’s core competitiveness and industrial influence.



It was reported that this exhibition was hosted by China Plastics Processing Industry Association, attracting more than 300 well-known enterprises from the upstream industry and key production enterprises of various product sub-sectors across China. It covers the latest technology, products and services of the entire industry chain from raw and auxiliary materials, key parts and components to advanced manufacturing equipment, overall solutions, excellent plastic products, and related service areas in the plastics industry.



Dawn Group showed upstream PBAT polymer resin, midstream biodegradable modified materials, and downstream biodegradable final products on the exhibition, and presented the superiority of plastics in environmental protection, energy saving, and low carbon which attracted many customers for visiting. The award of "China Plastics Green Industry Chain Excellent Unit" this time was a high recognition of Dawn's green, environmentally friendly, ecological and sustainable development of plastics.

Vice President Qiu Huanling said that Dawn would continue to uphold the concept of green development, continue to track and study the policy form and path of Carbon Neutrality & Emission Peak, strive to become a new force in low-carbon transformation, and use more professional measures to help the realization of Carbon Neutrality & Emission Peak. At the same time, Dawn will continue to uphold the business philosophy of "product-based, people-oriented, technology-led, and customer-first", continue to develop new products and technologies, promote technological innovation and progress, promote the green development of the industry, and further enhance Dawns brand awareness and industrial influence.