Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Empower the "three teams"! Dawn Techmark Management Practical Training Pursuing the Maximization of Investment Income
Release Date:2021-04-25
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From March 6th to 7th, Dawn Group held a 2-day Techmark management practical training on the 3rd floor of Dawn Lakeside Hotel. Yu Xiaoning, chairman and president of Dawn Group and Dean of Dawn Business School, attended the event. Dawn group's senior management team, minister team, general manager team, and some reserve young cadres participated in the training.

TechMark management practical simulation course, known as the "condensed MBA". This course focused on enterprise operation management, using TechMark teaching and practical simulation methods to guide students to think deeply about how to make strategic decisions in a complex and changeable market environment, as well as the factors that improve the efficiency of enterprise operations to maximize the return on investment. "Managers must benchmark international advanced management concepts and thinking models, build a strong team, grow, mature, and succeed in competition, and do well, bigger, and stronger in collaboration." Dawn Group Human Resources Director and Deputy Dean of Dawn Business School, Liu Lili said in her speech.

The trainees were randomly divided into 5 competing teams, each of which simulated a company, and the team members respectively assumed the roles of CEO, product director, marketing director, R&D director, and financial director. The simulation of three products in three countries with different economic conditions to launch a full range of competition in design, production, and sales, covering a large number of management knowledge points from how to analyze the business environment, how to create business opportunities, strategic decision-making, the use of financial leverage to teamwork. Through the management and operation period of six financial quarters, participants learned how to control the enterprise in a dynamic and rapidly changing global business environment and achieve the pre-set performance goals.

This training broke the traditional teaching mode that focused on explanation and used a combination of knowledge point explanation and group decision-making to teach. Through the explanation of basic theories and concepts, the trainees actively think. Before each round of decision-making, there was an explanation of relevant management concepts and analysis methods. After the decision, there was an analysis and deciphering of the competitive result, which was advanced in layers and echoes before and after. During the decision-making period, the instructor and the students analyzed and discussed together, further improving the students' understanding and application ability about the concept.

With two days and a night of learning and competition, "Jupiter Group 2" & "Jupiter Group 5" won, and the CEOs of each group made a summary, reflection, and review. The trainees said that they exercised the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to make practical decisions, and greatly stimulated and improved the overall thinking ability, analytical decision-making ability, and the ability to comprehensively understand the basic elements of business management through actual combat training.

In the course summary, Chairman Yu Xiaoning stated that it is necessary to have a deep understanding of TechMark management ideas, scientifically and rationally use TechMark management tools, and apply what has been learned based on integration and implementation, and promote and implement it in the work. He asked everyone to combine Dawn Group's business philosophy of "product-rooted, people-oriented, technology-led, and customer-first" to continuously improve management and innovate business models to provide operational management guarantees for the implementation of Dawn Group's "14th Five-Year" strategic plan.