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The Representative of People's Congress of Shandong Province- Yu Xiaoning Proposed to Strengthen Judicial Service Guarantees and Establish Communication Mechanisms between State-owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises
Release Date:2024-01-29
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On January 26th, the four-and-a-half-day second session of the 14th  People's Congress of Shandong Province successfully concluded. On the morning of January 22nd, prior to it, the second session of the 14th People's Congress of Shandong Province grandly opened at the Shandong Hall. The meeting was presided over by Lin Wu, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Province, and Zhou Naixiang, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Province and the Governor, presented the government work report to the conference. Yu Xiaoning, Chairman and President of Dawn Group, together with deputies from all walks of life across Shandong province, actively fulfilled their duties with full political enthusiasm, jointly sketching out the magnificent blueprint for the construction of a modern and strong province in the new era.


Governor Zhou Naixiang pointed out in the government work report that 2023 was the opening year for the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and also a year for economic recovery and development after three-year COVID-19 prevention and control efforts. The province's economy continued to rebound and consolidated for the better, high-quality development was solidly advanced, and the main goals and tasks for the year were successfully completed. 2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and is a crucial year for achieving the goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan." It is essential to continue promoting qualitative and effective improvement of the economy, maintain social harmony and stability, and take solid steps forward in Shandong's practice of Chinese-style modernization.


As a three-term representative of the People's Congress, Chairman Yu Xiaoning put forward corresponding opinions and suggestions on issues such as the impact of petitioning on judicial work, phenomena of exploiting legal loopholes, post-auction execution issues, protection of entrepreneurs' rights, and the establishing relief channels for bankruptcy procedures. He called on the judicial authorities to provide more effective legal services and guarantees to accelerate the construction of a modern and strong socialist province in the new era.

Chairman Yu Xiaoning proposed suggestions regarding the establishment of communication mechanisms between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. He suggested that relevant departments should coordinate and organize state-owned enterprises to establish a corporate communication mechanism with private enterprises with innovative advantages in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and supply chain, as well as high-quality private enterprises with the possibility of strategic cooperation in the same region, and promote the coordinated development of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

"Using leading enterprises as the chain leaders, forming alliances with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, promoting communication and cooperation among enterprises along the industrial chain, establishing joint laboratories or research centers, and creating a community for industrial technological innovation." Chairman Yu Xiaoning stated that using the alliance as a platform to establish a cooperative mechanism involving common investment, shared benefits, and joint risk-taking would accelerate the research and development of new technologies and products, nurture more innovative productive forces and achieve new accomplishments in the high-quality development of the industrial chain.

Chairman Yu Xiaoning expressed that relevant departments could selectively identify high-quality private enterprises with extensive strategic cooperation potential in the region and establish a long-term cooperation mechanism with state-owned enterprises, promoting cooperation from the top level. "Further achieving resource sharing and collectively enhancing the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain will contribute to building high-end platforms, attracting high-end talents, creating high-end products, exploring high-end customers, facilitating high-end cooperation, entering high-end fields, pursuing high-end development, and playing a coordinated role in advancing the high-quality economic development of Shandong Province as a unified strategy."