Dawn Group Co. , Ltd
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Win the Final Battle and Plan Well for the Opening Chapter! The Dawn Business Analysis and Strategic Decoding Conference Boosted Morale and Inspired Enthusiasm
Release Date:2023-11-27
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From November 4th to 5th, the third quarter business analysis meeting and 2024 strategic decoding seminar of Dawn Group were held at Dawn Business School. The purpose of the meeting was to summarize experience, analyze problems, improve work, commend the advanced, boost morale, stimulate motivation, mobilize the entire company to strive to complete various goals and tasks throughout the year with a more high-spirited attitude, a more inspiring spirit, and a more pragmatic style, and jointly discuss and exchange development plans for 2024. Yu Xiaoning, chairman and president of Dawn Group, and Xiao Hui, executive vice president, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. 


At the operational analysis meeting, vice presidents in charge of various functions at Dawn Group presented analysis reports on operations, finance, marketing, industrial parks, human resources, and other aspects. General managers of each unit summarized and reported on the operational situation. In the first three quarters, Dawn Group's project construction was progressed steadily, the multiply increasing plan for the enterprise was efficiently implemented. The performance of the main industrial sectors was solid, production and sales increased, manufacturing enterprises fully released their production capacity, and the market share of core products further increased.

2023 is the first year to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a critical year for the 14th Five-Year Plan to connect the past and the future. On the basis of maintaining steady development, Dawn Group's operation quality and comprehensive strength have been optimized and improved again, showing a high-quality development trend with direction of development, vitality of operation, status in the industry and regional hierarchy. Dawn Group commended units that achieved outstanding performance in operation and management in the third quarter.


The first place of Comprehensive Ranking Award in level I enterprise


The first place of Comprehensive Ranking Award in level II enterprise


The first place of Comprehensive Ranking Award in level III enterprise


Double Growth Award in the Third Quarter


Benefit Excellence Award in the Third Quarter

Chairman Yu Xiaoning fully affirmed the operational achievements of the third quarter and urged the award-winning units to cherish the honor, continue their efforts, guard against arrogance, and strive for even better results. At the same time, he hoped that units that did not receive awards would critically assess their issues, proactively reflect on and learn from their experiences, strengthen their determination to succeed, and approach the upcoming challenges with a high spirit, a determined attitude, and a proactive mindset. He encouraged them to utilize every available method, exert maximum effort, and strive relentlessly to achieve success in the fourth quarter, aiming to secure a 'year-end victory.'


In response to the current complex and rapidly changing domestic and international situations, Chairman Yu Xiaoning put forward specific requirements for the next step of operation and management: first, recognize the situation clearly, practice internal skills, perform duties and consolidate basic management; second, prioritize projects, emphasize practical actions, and use chain-driven strategies to empower sector development; third, plan strategically, deploy resources effectively, innovate in management to stimulate organizational vitality; fourth, chains lead the way, chains gather into groups, and cluster development improves the energy level of the park.


How to implement the spirit of the meeting? Executive Vice President Xiao Hui required all departments to focus on target tasks, strengthen responsibility, seize project progress, achieve production efficiency as early as possible, and solidify safety and environmental foundations while enhancing awareness of critical limits. He called on all Dawn people to embody the spirit of 'Three doings and Three beings' with practical actions, be diligent, hard-working, and courageous to take on responsibilities, and make every effort to achieve the goals and tasks throughout the year.

In the strategic decoding seminar, Executive Vice President Xiao Hui presented the Group's outlook for the year 2024. Each business unit inherited the group's strategy, dismantled the annual business plan, and sorted out project nodes and key tasks. Focusing on the guiding ideology, the functional departments reported the next year's work plan from four aspects: "service, guidance, management, and assessment".



Chairman Yu Xiaoning provided detailed comments and proposed specific measures for improvement. He urged all departments to closely align with the group's strategy, follow the guiding principles, use industrial parks as a platform, and deeply cultivate the four major advantages of research, industry, parks, and talent. He emphasized the importance of embracing the responsibilities towards the homeland and the era, actively taking initiatives without wasting precious time, and courageously shouldering responsibilities without letting the platform down.



Chairman Yu Xiaoning emphasized that the spirit of this strategic decoding meeting must be thoroughly implemented, and all units should further unify their ideological understanding and take proactive actions; all departments should further provide service guarantees and empower development. The majority of managers should concentrate their firepower, exert precise efforts, work together to fight tough battles and overcome decisive points to ensure a decisive victory in the project's tough battles and increased efficiency. He also emphasized the importance to keep a clear mind, firm beliefs, and perseverance, and use a running attitude to "accelerate" all work, strive to win the "final battle", and accelerate the realization of the "two hundred billion" goals and keep fighting to create a better future.